New! Friends in the City
[by SoftGames 2012]
s60v3 / s60v5 / s40 / LG / Samsung
Java Game
Language: MuLti (ÇokLu DiL] (ML)
s60v3: 240x320 / 320x240
s60v5: 360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD Touch
s40: 240x320
LG: 240x400-kp500 Touch
Samsung: 240x320-B3410 Touch / 240x400-s5230 Touch / 480x800-s8500 Touch
[by SoftGames 2012] Friends in the City (ML)
Log into your new virtual life with so many exciting adventures! Explore your own apartment, new people and make lots of friends! Decide for yourself that you want to do, who you meet and who you want to ignore! Meet new friends and save your place in the rankings to become the darling of all as quickly as possible
Log into your new virtual life with so many exciting adventures! Explore your own apartment, new people and make lots of friends! Decide for yourself that you want to do, who you meet and who you want to ignore! Meet new friends and save your place in the rankings to become the darling of all as quickly as possible
240x320 DownLoad AlternaTif
240x400-kp500 Touch
240x320-B3410 Touch
240x400-s5230 Touch
480x800-s8500 Touch
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