Mobil java Games Oyunlar: New! Dave the Waffling Hamster Symbian^3 / Symbian^4 Anna App

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14 Ağustos 2011 Pazar

New! Dave the Waffling Hamster Symbian^3 / Symbian^4 Anna App

New! Dave the Waffling Hamster
Symbian^3 / Symbian^4 Anna App

Dave the Waffling Hamster - this is a parody of the talking cat. Hamster responds to the butting of the eyes (each different), but when it tickle, he laughs so heartily that it is impossible to resist and start to laugh at himself. Especially on this ticklish delighted children. Would you like a chain reaction? Give your child a hamster tickle, and when he will fill with laughter, his child support immediately, naturally, will hear the hamster, who will play once more and the children's laughter.

Extras: for the correct operation of the program you want installed Qt library version 4.7.3.

Platform: Symbian OS S ^ 3
File in the archive: sis
The medicine: not required
Language: English

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